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The population of Central African Republic is estimated by the United Nations to be 0.0 million in 2021.
The population of Central African Republic grew at N/A% in the last year and is ranked the 36th most populated country in Africa, ahead of Mauritania.
Population data for Central African Republic has been rated as Grade E - E. The primary reasons being that Central African Republic last conducted a national census in 2003 and 44.8% of births in Central African Republic are recorded.
Central African Republic last conducted a national census in 2003 and 44.8% of births are recorded.
Central African Republic's data quality ranks 150th out of 150 countries in the World Economics Global Population Data Quality Ratings. In the Africa region, Central African Republic ranks 0 for the region.
It is important to have good quality population data as this impacts other key indicators such as GDP per capita. See the World Economics Wealth Indicators for re-estimated wealth levels for Central African Republic.